Next weekend is that last race of the season for the Buck Hill D-Team and I am going to miss it! I am so sad! I will be making the trek across the upper-midwest to Winter Park, Colorado to watch my brother compete in the USCSA National Championships with the University of MN ski team. Go Kale! Except don't tell him - it's a suprise... pretty sure he doesn't read this... really hope he doesn't...
Anywho - I am missing the last race with my little "Super-Star Skiers" - this is the team name that my group of eight 6-8 year-old girls picked out for themselves. Throughout the season I have grown attached to the speedy little squirts, their toothless smiles, hot-pink ski gear and the hilarious things they say ..."my butt is sweaty Kate!" ..."We went to breakfast at bur-bur king"... "I ski faster if I smile a lot"... I sure am going to miss them!
So, I decided to design a decal for their helmets so they can remember what a fun season it was. I think it turned out well. I ordered 12 on - which seems like a pretty cool site where you can create your own stuff for a very reasonable price - and no minimum orders - nice! Here's the design - what do you think? I think the girls will love it!